Are There Government Schemes Or Subsidies To Support OTS Funding For NPAs

In India, Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) have posed a significant challenge to the banking sector. Recognizing the need to address this issue, the government has introduced various schemes and subsidies to support One-Time Settlement (OTS) funding for NPAs. These initiatives aim to provide relief to borrowers and banks, facilitating the resolution of distressed assets and promoting financial stability. Here’s an overview of key government schemes and subsidies available.

1. RBI’s Framework for OTS

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has established guidelines for the resolution of stressed assets, including OTS schemes. These guidelines provide a structured approach for banks to negotiate settlements with borrowers, ensuring a fair and transparent process. The RBI encourages banks to adopt OTS schemes to recover dues from borrowers facing genuine financial difficulties. Under these guidelines, banks can offer concessions in the form of reduced interest rates, waivers on penalties, and extended repayment periods to facilitate settlements.

2. SARFAESI Act and DRT Mechanism

The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act empowers banks and financial institutions to recover their NPAs without the intervention of courts. Through this mechanism, banks can auction the pledged assets of defaulters to recover dues. Additionally, the Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) provide a legal framework for resolving disputes related to NPAs. These mechanisms support OTS funding by enabling faster resolution and recovery processes.

3. MSME Restructuring Scheme

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are crucial to the Indian economy. To support MSMEs facing financial distress, the government has introduced various restructuring schemes. Under the MSME Restructuring Scheme, banks are encouraged to offer OTS options to MSME borrowers. These schemes often include interest rate concessions, longer repayment tenures, and relaxed norms for asset classification. The government also provides credit guarantees through schemes like the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) to facilitate OTS funding.

4. Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs)

The government has promoted the establishment of Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) to manage and recover NPAs. ARCs purchase distressed assets from banks and financial institutions and work towards their resolution. These companies often engage in OTS negotiations with borrowers to maximize recovery. The government’s support for ARCs, including regulatory relaxations and fiscal incentives, enhances their ability to fund OTS initiatives effectively.

5. Sector-Specific Relief Packages

In response to economic disruptions, the government periodically announces sector-specific relief packages. These packages aim to support industries severely affected by economic downturns, such as agriculture, real estate, and manufacturing. Such relief measures often include provisions for OTS schemes, enabling distressed borrowers to settle their dues at favorable terms. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government introduced relief measures for the real estate sector, encouraging banks to offer OTS options to struggling developers.


Government schemes and subsidies play a crucial role in supporting OTS funding for NPAs in India. These initiatives provide a structured framework for resolving distressed assets, benefiting both borrowers and financial institutions. At Finlender, we are committed to helping our clients navigate these schemes and leverage available subsidies to achieve financial stability and growth. Whether you are a borrower seeking relief or a bank aiming to recover dues, understanding and utilizing these government initiatives can be a game-changer in managing NPAs effectively.

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