What Are The Eligibility Criteria For Availing OTS Funding

One-Time Settlement (OTS) funding is a strategic financial solution designed to help borrowers settle their outstanding loans with a single payment. At Finlender, we understand the complexities involved in loan repayment and aim to provide a streamlined approach to assist our clients. Below are the eligibility criteria for availing OTS funding with Finlender.

1. Loan Status

To be eligible for OTS funding, the loan account must be classified as a Non-Performing Asset (NPA). This classification usually occurs when the borrower has defaulted on loan repayments for a period exceeding 90 days. The NPA status signifies the need for immediate financial intervention to prevent further penalties and interest accruals.

2. Loan Type

OTS funding is available for various types of loans, including personal loans, business loans, home loans, and vehicle loans. Borrowers with secured or unsecured loans are eligible to apply. However, the specific terms and conditions may vary based on the type and size of the loan.

3. Borrower Profile

Borrowers must provide comprehensive information about their financial status, including income proof, tax returns, and existing debts. This helps Finlender assess the borrower’s repayment capacity and determine the feasibility of the OTS proposal. Both individual and corporate borrowers are considered, provided they meet the required financial criteria.

4. Loan Tenure and Outstanding Amount

The outstanding loan amount and the tenure of the loan play a crucial role in determining eligibility. Borrowers with a significantly high outstanding amount or those nearing the end of their loan tenure may be given priority, as OTS can be a more feasible option to recover dues.

5. Repayment History

A detailed analysis of the borrower’s repayment history is conducted. Borrowers who have made genuine attempts to repay their loans but faced unavoidable financial hardships are more likely to be considered for OTS funding. Consistent defaults without valid reasons may impact eligibility negatively.

6. Negotiation Willingness

The borrower must demonstrate a willingness to negotiate and settle the outstanding amount. This involves discussing the terms of settlement, including the lump-sum payment amount and the deadline for making the payment. A collaborative approach between the borrower and Finlender is essential for successful OTS funding.

7. Collateral

For secured loans, the collateral provided against the loan will be evaluated. The value and condition of the collateral can influence the OTS terms. In some cases, the collateral may be liquidated to settle the outstanding dues.

8. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

The borrower must comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. This includes providing accurate documentation and adhering to the terms set forth by financial regulatory authorities. Finlender ensures that all OTS settlements are conducted transparently and in accordance with the law.


Finlender is committed to providing viable financial solutions to borrowers in distress. Our OTS funding aims to offer a pragmatic approach to settle outstanding dues and provide financial relief. By meeting the eligibility criteria outlined above, borrowers can take the first step towards financial stability and peace of mind. For personalized assistance and to explore OTS funding options, contact Finlender today.

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